
14th Interregional Scientific-Practical Urological Conference with International Participation

Vladivostok city, 28 - 30 September 2017.


If you have any questions about the organization of the Conference Russia - the Far East: Urology, Oncological Urology, Reproductive and Sexual Medicine, proposals for international and scientific cooperation, please do not hesitate to contact the Organizing Committee Chairman, the chief FEFD urologist, Professor Alexander G. Antonov, MD, work phone: +7 (4212) 784152, mobile: +7 (924) 303 2401, or e-mail: antonovs@rambler.ru;

Application, the completed form to participate should be sent to the Executive Organizer of the Conference, the Chief Freelance Urologist of the Primorsky Region, Head of a Urology Center, Galina N. Alekseeva, MD, Ph.D. – mobile: +7 (914) 790 2837, or e-mail: algala@dns.vl.ru;

For questions related to the project, conference sponsorship, registration fees or pharmaceutical companies’ participation in the exhibition, please contact the project coordinator Roman T. Aliyev, MD, PhD, the President of OSRSM NGO, mobile: +7 (903) 9484848, or via email: romanaliev@yandex.ru;

With regard to advertising, catering, banquet, hotels reservations, plane and railway tickets and transfers, please contact the Event Group at tel. +7 (383) 209 2951, www.sibeventgroup.ru, Alevtina Pogunova, tel. +7 (953) 764 4086, e-mail: pogunova@sibeventgroup.ru

The month of September inVladivostokis the high season and the best time to visit theFar Eastregion so please book your plane tickets, rooms inVladivostok’s hotels and invitations to the conference dinner in advance!

Tech Support is provided by the Event Group; Information support: UroWeb.ru, the UroMedia Publishing House; research and coordination support: the Society for Reproductive and Sexual Medicine, NGO; the Society President, Roman T. Aliev, MD PhD. For more information about the event Urology of the XXI Century. RUSSIA - Far East and registration can be found on the official websites: www.urocloud.ru or www.uroweb.ru

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